In the Czech Republic, concepts such as emancipation, feminism, and inclusion are still associated with several prejudices. This project by the art organization PRAHO! project aims to get rid of these negative connotations once and for all and help open a debate on the topic of gender inequality.
“All tangible and intangible outputs of the project aim to open up topics that resonate more or less with current society in an inclusive way. It is in this way that we try to connect society together and point out the fact that in this seemingly alienated world, we can be much closer than it sometimes seems,” says project founder Annamarie Čermáková.
The installation We Should Have a Talk also has its impact in the digital world. As part of the artistic treatment, QR codes that link to a diverse range of expert content and other forms of artistic expression as well as series of video interviews, which brings to light the topics of feminism that people can encounter in their everyday lives through the stories of the respondents.
Behind the project are countless civically engaged people, including, for example, Markéta Pekarová Adamová, Matt Field, Klára Laurenčíková, Radka Šimková, Danuše Nerudová, Barbora Urbanová.
The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic, Markéta Pekarová Adamová, commented on the work of the project as follows:
“I like that the Prague! project opens a unique window into the soul of our capital city and that it helps transform its local public space into a living gallery full of poems and works of art. They speak directly to people and at the same time show that we are often much closer to each other than we might think.”
The author of the visual design of the project is illustrator Lucie Lučanská.