



Co-founder & finance director

I love adventure, nature and travelling, but I also love evenings at home under a blanket with tea. I love Prague, the old streets and tram rides, but I like to live on the outskirts where the tram hasn’t strayed yet. I turn to look back at every chess table in the park, but I’ve never won a chess game. I joined the PRAHO! project about a month after it started, and although I didn’t have high expectations at the time, it became clear to me in the first few days after putting up stickers on the streets that this wasn’t just a short-term project.


How are you feeling at the moment?
I’m having a hectic time at work and having to juggle my personal life with time for myself is sometimes exhausting. But at the same time, I’ve started learning new activities that I’ve been wanting to try for a long time and I’m happy that I’ve been able to make time for them. It recharges me.

Where do you look for inspiration in your life?
Most inspiration always comes in my sleep. But I guess that’s just a result of what I’ve experienced during the day, how I’ve been inspired by the people and friends around me. I guess I am definitely most inspired by my loved ones who are exceptional, each in their own field or humane approach.

Is there anything you’re hiding from others?
Sometimes I hide the fact that I’m not doing well because I feel like I should be more of a support to others. And so I suppress my sorrows.

Who or what does your heart beat for?
My husband and the home we have together. The smell of popcorn and new experiences. For the small gestures that make the day better.

What gave you strength when you needed it the most?
Admitting that I wasn’t handling the situation the way I imagined and realizing that it is okay. 

What is the most precious thing in your life?
The ability to live life on my terms and not on the terms of others.

Is there anything that bothers you about today’s society?
Probably laziness and a passive approach to problems. I don’t like it when people only choose the easy and temporary solution.

Do you consider Prague anonymous?
Most of the time when I wish it was anonymous, it’s not at all and vice versa. But in general, I believe that while Prague and some of its busiest parts can feel anonymous, especially to foreigners, there are many places in each neighborhood where residents can create communities and build new relationships.

What does Prague look like through your eyes?
For food and the best veggie burger, I like to stop by Cafe Záhorský. For a drink I go to Hvězda close to Riegráče, but I also feel at home in Frida. I recommend watching what’s coming up at Vzlet and my favourite walks are at the Klánovický forest.

What is your role in the project and what does it entail?
Even before the project was founded, Annamarie and I discussed the idea of the project. Originally it was going to be a documentary, but in the end we found the format of the film too complex and limiting. So we started the project „only“ in the streets. Now, I am mainly in charge of arranging events and installations of the project. I am also involved in creating videos and communicating new collaborations.

Best beer I don’t usually look for places specifically for beer. If anything, it’d probably be Výčep.
Favourite venue Frida, Café Sladkovský or Hvězda.
Secret spot Not far behind Libeň chateau, when you climb high enough and leave the noise of trams far behind.
Favourite cinema Aero cinema!
Favourite greenery Klánovický forest.