



Curator of installations

Outwardly quiet and introverted, inside a rich world and a head full of ideas. Too full most of the time. I have xy different scenarios, stories, discussions going on in my head and it’s almost impossible for me to turn my thoughts off. I get unnecessarily stressed out and then I don’t sleep well. I love to read and write, but lately I’ve been running out of time.  I love to wander the hills and forests, explore other cultures and can often be found gazing at paintings or looking around statues with interest. My parents say (with a smile) that I used to ski before I could walk, and that stuck with me. I like to be on the move and seek out adrenaline, but I don’t mind a comfy chair, a good red wine and a Scandinavian movie. I’m the most creative at night.


How are you feeling at the moment?
Tough question. Honestly, it’s a bit of a roller coaster. But the kind that’s in a long-forgotten amusement park and you’re afraid to get on because it’s so bumpy and you can’t be sure if it’s still safe. I’m a little lost, I feel like I’ve gone a little off track. But the question is, was there ever a path, because… don’t we each make our own path? Maybe I’ve just lost the ability to create the path that makes sense to me in all aspects and I would be happy taking it. I think in the long run I’ve lacked some balance in my life and time to do what I really want to do. 

Where do you look for inspiration in your life?
Books. In art. Nature. Successful people. In writing. In the nightly wanderings in my head. And on the train or in the shower. There I am able to solve all the problems of the world. Theoretically…

But also in my parents and my siblings, who have been through a lot in their lives and I’m incredibly proud of them. 

Is there anything you’re hiding from others?
I’m sure there is. Feelings of loneliness. Even though I’m in a room full of people at any given moment, for example. Sometimes I feel like no one can understand me. And that the waterfall of thoughts that I have in my head will cause me to literally die one day from my head exploding. Also that I will disappoint my surroundings and myself. And my secret notes.

Who or what does your heart beat for?
For the little things of everyday life. The smiles of random people. For the depth of eyes that lead to the essence of the human soul. Creativity and empathy. For love. For the love for life. For the love of my loved ones. And for my cat.

What gave you strength when you needed it the most?
Family, friends. Probably also the fact that deep down I’m a person who doesn’t like to give up and I like to prove to myself that I can do it all in the end. 

What is the most precious thing in your life?
Empathy. Independence. And life itself. And I weep to think that not everyone gets those privileges. 

Is there anything that bothers you about today’s society?
I’m bothered by the daily injustice. It bothers me that people who don’t know how to use power have it. Or too well. For their own benefit. All the suffering that happens to every creature in this world botheres me. And most of it is a fault of humankind. It bothers me how we can lie to each other, cheat each other and blame one and other. And it also bothers me that in the course of life, dreams are killed within us and we lose our inner child.

Do you consider Prague anonymous?
Prague is a bigger village. Our social bubbles are small and I think that even if someone wanted to, anonymity is very hard to achieve.

What is the importance of art in public space?
It’s underappreciated. But that’s what I think of art in general. Cultural aspects have an incredible impact on the quality of our lives, and I think people often don’t even realize it. It’s about what our eyes and souls consume every day. And it reflects on the quality of

What is your role in the project and what does it entail?

I talked to Annamarie about the project when it was all supposed to be a „mere“ film for her studies in Sweden. Gradually, the whole concept changed a lot and through gradual conversations over wine I became more actively involved in the project. Up until now I have been in charge of all the texts for social media, the website, the newsletter and so on, but gradually another team member is starting to help me with this, as it’s been really busy and I’m focusing more on curating the individual installations. 

Best beer Probably the one I drink with my friends.
Favorite venue At the moment, it’s definitely the Loft café in Karlín, where the service is probably the nicest in the world and the smallest interaction during the ordering process always improves my mood. And I would also mention Frieda.
Secret spot There are more and more of these places and they change throughout my life, but what remains is that I keep them to myself.
Favourite gallery / museum I love the Villa Borghese in Rome because of Bernini. Berlin in general and for example The Feuerle Collection or the Sammlung Boros gallery. And in London I have to mention the Tate and the Barbican, which is not a gallery, but it’s the best brutalist architecture where you can spend half a day walking around. Here in Prague, it would be the Rudolfinum.
Favourite greenery I love every tree, meadow and hill. The best ones are the ones where it feels like the edge of the world and it’s just you and the wind.